Late Life Journey

a bit about me...
My career and experience in serving older adults has covered the spectrum of all the colors in the rainbow over the last 20 years. I've worked with Zen Hospice as a hospice volunteer, Marin General Hospital as a spiritual care companion, and in Geriatric Care management in private practice and with Sage ElderCare Solutions in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Currently, aside from the work I do through LateLifeJourney, I also work with End of Life Choices Oregon and serve as Vice Chair for the Ashland Senior Advisory Committee.
The path towards a Master's degree in Gerontology came from a personal wake up call in mid life when my own parents and other relatives were aging, and sometimes, not having a very good experience with it. Witnessing how others were growing old, how they were dying, how they were not talking about it, how alone they were changed my trajectory.
Sometimes we fumble around in our work life until something deep within us speaks loud and clear and then we follow that voice. The one that is filled with passion, commitment, and joy. That is the call that started my journey in founding LateLifeJourney.
I welcome any questions you may have and am happy to talk with you.